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Making it useful
link | i2c, plan9, werc | Tue Jun 13 14:04:11 CET 2023 No.16

It’s all coming together now.

A plot generated from bme680 data with grap & friends

Now, this “screenshot” took some “duct tape” and “grease” to put together. It can be summed up in three categories.

Setting up cron to periodically collet data from a sensor. This (plan9) being a distributed system, has its quirks. One of them was to run cron on a standalone system, since cron is meant to be run on an auth server and log into a designated machine and remotely execute a command there. So, a hacky script was developed to run cron only once from the system owner’s profile file.

Processing and plotting collected data. All glory to the power of the “old school” publishing tools (grap | pic | troff | gs), but it got done in the end. Once an image of a plot was coaxed from the pipeline, it still needed base64 utility, which the internet provided.

And wrapping everything up in a werc app to serve it on a page.

Well, there is an rc script doing the publishing tool chain on the collected data inside the werc app. But the point is, it works!