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Bits on the (I2C) buss
link | i2c, plan9 | Sun May 14 21:11:49 CET 2023 No.13

Every long data transfer starts with a single bit.

There is a goal to all this randomness. To “work out my embedded development muscle”.

So, before we start straight up porting plan9 to other devices, let’s try and poke around a working system first and see what is where.

And sorting out and using I2C on a Raspberry Pi 1 seamed like a good start. A lot has been done here already, so it’s a soft start.

Sorting through it and writing it down for anyone interested: notes/plan9/i2c.

With a first success in compiling a custom kernel and poking around a bme680 sensor.

Interacting with an I2C device with address 0x77 on plan9