WLOG - blog something different

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A place to put it all
link | plan9, web | Mon Apr 24 22:23:14 CET 2023 No.10

So, the time has come to scrape together a system for publishing, as we set out to do.

For the base, so far, we have a 9front installed on a first generation Raspberry Pi. For hosting, we’ll use rc-httpd web server, distributed with 9front. For content management we’ll use the Werc framework, used by other plan9 / 9front related sites, with barf plugin for blog and other nifty things.

Not to go into too many details here, since this is a learning experience and information will be improved over time (I’m sure), so notes for web are available separately.

In short, how we got this working so far:

  • (optionally) a new user was created (gotta figure out administration of this thing)
  • werc was installed by cloning it with hg from https://code.9front.org/hg/werc
  • werc was configured by creating appropriate folders in werc/sites dir
  • barf plugin was installed by cloning it with hg from https://code.9front.org/hg/barf in to werc/apps dir
  • barf was configured by creating the appropriate folders and files in _werc subfolder
  • rc-https was configured (/bin/service/tcp80) to run werc on request
    • example files can be found in werc/bin/contrib (tcp80 & rc-httpd/select-handler) or on the werc docs
    • since services in /bin/service are run as an “unprivileged” user none, with no privileges (duh) and werc needs to access to tmp files cor cache or its unhappy, configure the namespace for the service (/bin/service/tcp80.namespace) to include a “world” writable folder binded to /tmp

That got us a working set up, that we can now play around with, and do the “timey wimey” magic and “back port” some notes and posts.